Saturday 16 September 2006

Desmond and the Filler.

Sometimes, there are just no words.

Sometimes, a tinge of sadness creeps up, unknowingly. Burrowing itself in your heart. And Sarah McLachlan's Fallen doesn't help to chase it away.

Sometimes the words bubble around the rims, but no push suffices in spilling the contents.

In times like these, you make up ostentatious words and sentences. As filler for a page that deserves an update.

But what ostentatious word can be filler for that little void in one's heart?

Sometimes, especially recently, I feel I'm running on Over-due Grace.

Its yesterday's grace. Its not a new thing. Its a left-over from yesterday, yesterweek. When I still remembered to fall at His feet and to spend time with Him. When I was in His presence, and He gave me strength.

And these days, these weeks, I've allowed myself to slacken. I forsake time in His presence, and the over-due grace is slowing flowing out, and nothing new flows in. And questions start to snatch at the opportunity to be that filler.

But only One can fill the emptiness.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
His mercies never come to an end.
They are new every morning,
Great is Thy faithfulness.

His Love -- unceasing despite my unfaithfulness.
Thankyou Father.

Sunday 3 September 2006

Desmond and Milk.

Know that famous, Got Milk? ad..?

I love milk!!! I really do.. I used to drink loads when I was young, then I stopped. And suddenly the love for milk is back!! Btw, if you wanna get milk, dun get the Magno*** ones.. get the Meiji one.

Its so smooth, it's milk like silk!

Its been a long time since I've blogged. Serious blogger's block man. I've logged in many times over the past few weeks, and closed the window after I'm done with the net, without writing anything.

Even now, this milk thing is just a spontaneous (i dunno how to spell. haha) attempt to at least blog something. Its cos I'm drinking milk now.

Aiya.. haha be blessed. am missing out on alot of things that's going on in your lives. major exams, major environment changes, major personal and spiritual growths. but its so encouraging and nice to see the many ones grow, and see how God takes care of you, even if i only see it from afar.

He is so good huh, so stinking good.
Be blessed and have a great week..