Tuesday 20 April 2010

Desmond and the Happy Page, Rehired.

The Happy Pages are back in business, and I would have posted a picture, if it wasn't for my poor Canon baby coinking out on me. Back to studying. (Edit: Thank you for stepping up Webcam. HEE!)

Today's study buddy: Mr Walrus With the Penguin's Body.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Desmond and the Happy Page.

Actually, it's more like Desmond and the Happy Man, because this Happy Man has no more use for his Happy Pages (at least until the next essay writing season). Looks like they won't be happy no more.

And so it is with the fakest possible tone I can manage that I say, "Exams, here we come".

(This Individual is trying to get back into his blogger groove. Give him a little time, and he'll give you his appreciation. And maybe a hug.)

Saturday 10 April 2010

Desmond and "Keating For The Win".

What I want to know, is how he stays looking so fresh when he's in the desert. I mean, seriously? It's a desert. And ohmyword, nice watch.

I've forgotten how happy listening to Ronan Keating makes me. I mean, granted, there's mixed reviews on this particular cover he did, but I like it. In complete honesty (and I've said this before), Keating is not a great singer. I'm not even sure he's a good performer, since I've never seen him. But it's just something about his music and that raspy tone that pulls me back into some window in time. A window I'm not even sure I can identify with certainty.

But nostalgia kinda works like that doesn't it. Never just a specific moment or emotion.
Keating for the win.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Desmond and the Re-desi.... Come On. This Is Hardly Redesign.


Tuesday 6 April 2010

Desmond and the EPL.

I should really be working, but NEWCASTLE is back in the Premier League! Yippee!

Thursday 1 April 2010

Desmond and the April Fool's.

I realised I have been reduced to blogging about holidays (even the lesser ones), but such is the reality of blogdom: bloggers must get bored and give up blogging for months at a time. And their (non-)readers must be subjected to boring, and unimportant filler.

So here's the obligatory well-wishes for today: Happy April Fool's!
(Good Friday and Easter are coming up really soon. Just saying.)