Sunday 22 August 2004

The subject entry

I conversed with Jane the other day, and kept her in her seat with my repeated questions on how she handled French, art and music( these few i picked out only because i could not remember all the talents she's been credited with.) She hardly said anything, only smile back at me.

Her face was not one of vigour, not handsome by means of our standards at least, but her confidence was more than appealing. Only a young girl, yet Jane was bearer of strong values she had been taught while at her instituition where she studied previously. Not that alone; her ability to handle all her subjects left me bewildered and astonished. I couldn't handle my own few subjects!

But that mattered not. I had fallen in love with Jane.

In fact, I'm already at Chap 23 in 2 days. Okay.. in 2 days, i read from 12 to 23. Haha, yes. Maybe i'm still slow in your standards, but considering i took weeks to finish the first 12 chaps, I think i must have fallen in love with Jane. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.