Tuesday 31 August 2010

Desmond and Ireland(Original Version).

Hello World. You know how things can sometimes be so surreal? Like being told life is about being in a teacup--which is insane--and then finally having it happen to you at the carnival, beside your neice, and her screaming friends? Teacup rides are real my friend, teacup rides are very real.

And so are experiences. Real, and surreal. Like finally being in Ireland. Yes, I'm here, and it feels strange to know that how ever I've seen it before in photographic replica is true to that which is replicated. Cows, horses along the roads. Fields, and plains, and nice rusted fences. Ireland has not let me down visually. The only inconsistency I've noticed is the weather. I'm told we came in a good, and rare, week where the sun is up and shining.

Which is a decent take on life. Sun, up and shining; Life, in a teacup.

Irish Fun Fact #1: The Irish thank their bus driver when getting off the bus.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Desmond and the Easing Back.

It's been a while, World. And even now, it seems a little rude to have disturbed the peaceful non-existence that has repeatedly.blogspot.com for the past few weeks. But I thought I should write, because I feel obligated to this blog. Nearly six years and counting.

A lot changes in six years. Heck, a lot changes in a month. And a lot will change in less than a fortnight's time. But for now, I'll just leave that till it comes. Take it easy on me, I'm easing back into writing: blogger style.

Here's the premature goodnight: Sweet dreams, World.