Saturday 22 May 2010

Desmond and the Playlist That Stopped Working Again.

So playlist has stopped working, and apparently so has Keating's marriage.

(Not entirely certain what the seperation is about, but I've got to say, I kinda feel he's a jerk right now. Of course, it doesn't concern me, so I'll just shut it for now. Happy weekend, World!)

Thursday 20 May 2010

Desmond and the Man Like That.


It's been nearly seven months since playlist crashed, and that is a long time. One forgets so much in seven months: the shirt and pants he wore on the 14th of September; the crazy finger guns inspired by a desperate need to sleep; the songs that shaped the many nights of blogging -- seven months is a long time.

I didn't remove my playlist from then, even when it crashed, because I'm a man of faith like that. Or at least, was, for the first week. After that, I left my playlist because I'm a man of sloth like that. But these things don't matter, because Man is insignificant like that. In the end, faith or sloth, or persistence, really did pay off.

I'm going to leave my songs in the playlist as they were for awhile, because I'm sentimental like that. Not forgetting slothful, and really really desperate for sleep. Some things never change.

(This Individual acknowledges the picture doesn't correspond to the blog. But he wasn't lying when he said he was desperate for sleep, and photo-surfing isn't as quick as it seems. He would like to prepare you for more of such incongruent photo-blogging.)

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Desmond and the Excuses.

I know I should have blogged a long time ago when my exams actually ended, but I also should have bought a carton of milk days ago, and I haven't. Such is the cruelty of laziness. Or if you (I) prefer, the practicality of the world. You see, my urge to blog was sky-high during my exams because I needed to distract myself from studying, and still seem to be doing 'something'. Of course, now that the papers have been served and returned, I am seperated from Exams, albeit just temporarily.

But the practicality of the situation still persists. With my seperation from Exams, I no longer need the occasional blog entry as an excuse to stop studying. I can just stop, excuse-less.

You may judge me, and I may judge me, and my study buddies may judge me (that is, Mr Walrus-with-a-penguin's-body; amongst other ones I drew in a bid to waste more time not-studying)... but I only have this to say: "Excuse me, Exams are out. Let the sleep begin."

(This Individual means his words. Especially the plea to "let sleep begin". He feels he has weeks of naps and sleeps to catch up on.)