Wednesday 17 September 2008


"what do you read my lord?"
"words, words, words."

little snow globe
you hold little specks
of little hope

i take hold of you
hold-er of my
dreams, hold me

They take you away
A way for them
to bring away

They break you
Broken, from the whole
you were, at the break of dawn.

now there you lie
cracked, lying on the ground
the wounds don't lie

night falls
specks fall
fall fell fallen

"What do you read my lord?"
"Wor(thless), Words, Words."
track 15 repeat.

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Desmond and the Cup.

First off, I would like to say I was so psyched to see Ireland on the cover of the Life section in the papers today!! WOOHOO IRELAND!

Okay, moment over. haha

Now, here's the entry that corresponds to the title.

Thursday 11 September 2008

Desmond and 'Macksmugger'.

Macksmugger: (MEG-SH-MAH-GER) Refering to something terrible or overwhelming. As in "I hate school. It's machsmugger." OR "That guy is a real machsmugger."
Under great stress, one creates new words to describe things. Because the crazy has to come out somewhere.

School has been kinda machsmugglish.

(: haha

Saturday 6 September 2008

I love writing.

Not the past-midnight-hour-crazy-rush-to-finish-my-assignment kinda writing.

And definitely not the waiting-to-be-graded writing.


Definitely not the waiting-to-be-graded writing.

I'm glad that september's here. All the dramas are back from hiatus!! Not to mention the new dramas coming up.

Better start picking out the ones I want to follow.

I'm psyched.