With all the madness--school or otherwise--that has been going on recently, I've hardly had the time or motivation to blog. Do I still wish to keep up with blogging on a regular basis? Yes. Do I wish to define 'regular' as once a week? Um, no, thank you...
So when this morning turned out to be an early one for me, with some time in between breakfast and lunch, I decided to seize the day and quickly drop a short entry while I still can. That's a good concept to live by, actually. You don't hear it much now, but Carpe Diem used to be widely touted in the late 1990s, and early 2000s. Personally, I think it should really be made relevant again. We work too hard in this day and age. We work overtime for zero benefit, and spend our holidays in schools or writing reports that end up badly anyways because somewhere, somehow, someone dropped the ball... it's a workaholic's life! And the funny thing is, that Someone, from Somewhere and Somehow, manages to escape the very workaholic trap we're stuck in.
Are we living ahead of our time, or way before it? Is it yesterday or tomorrow that we live in? Sometimes I feel like I'm always cleaning up yesterday's (and Someone else's) mess, or preparing for tomorrow's madness. But to be very realistic, that's unavoidable. It's how the world works. But that shouldn't mean we dismiss that Latin phrase altogether. We can, and should still, "Sieze the Day". For blogging short blogs, for naps, and for the little pleasures in life. Or simply for loved ones, and even ourselves.
"Carpe Diem."