Saturday 7 February 2004

"All I'm asking is that you turn your eyes upon Me.

Upon Me.

Upon Me.

Upon Me.

I don't hate you. Never did. I love You so much.
I don't care how messy your life is.
All I ask is that you return that gaze to Me.

I'm not asking you to solve your problems.
I'm not asking you to try harder.
I'm asking you to turn your eyes back to Me.

And to watch Me.

For the Son does only what He sees His Father doing.

Likewise when you watch Me, you will do what I do.
Likewise when you watch Me, your heat beats in alignment with mine.

Turn your eyes back to Me. Simply turn your eyes back to Me.

Then passion will return. Then the things I have for you will be restored. Restored and given back to you more than before.
-- 12.20 - 12.30 pm, Sat 7 Feb.

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