Friday 18 February 2005

drip drip.
drip drip drip.


spite.. you do all you can to spite.
like a spoilt brat you spite.
no guilt. no remorse.
you open that rotten mouth.
and spite.

i spite you back. i spite all of you back.
payback. just like
you're up there. you think
the world of yourselves.

you're the sun. the moon.
the earth.
you're everything.
we're just pawns.
he's just a pawn.

you bleed for waters to rise and fall
in your favor. for you.
and when they don't, you turn like
water and rise against them.

the carcasses are beautiful.
the stacked houses are whitewashed.
but how can they be?

slowly the foundations are dripping away.

slowly the heart is bleeding.
and dying.

then it can be immortalised
in stone.

-desmond. 10.33 pm
Friday 18th Feb 2005.

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