Saturday 5 March 2005

The Keating entry.

I've been spending the past few hours just slacking and listening to ronan keating. haha.. you know, i really think he's an awesome singer with a really unique trademark tone to his voice. And almost all his songs are very my kinda songs. I guess i like him cos he's the only artiste i know who songs fit my bill.

Sure, some ppl think he's not as good as others.. like robbie william, or some other guy. But there's something about him and his songs that set me in a reflective mood. Or a relaxed mood that helps my think through stuff. Its almost as if his songs are therapeutic, helping me work out my problems. And no one else seems able to do that. Heartsongs huh? To me, he's the best.


Sometimes life just seems like it sucks. Big time. Like. all the mistakes you've made. You feel like you carry the yoke of your selfishness, and foolishness and wrongs. And that's not counting the sins. But Jesus comes and take it from you. Then you might think, you're horrible when you allow Him to take your blame and you go away blameless.

Then you dunno what to think.

Then like colleen's blog puts it very aptly..
when the spoken word fails, the written word precedes
when the written word fails, music precedes...

I've spoken. Its failed.
And written. And that's failed too.
Music's helping now.

But for how long. Ultimately, I'm still Missin' You.

The mistakes I've made
That's caused pain
I could have done without
All selfish thoughts
All my pride
The things i hide
You have forgot about
They're all behind you
they'll never find you
They're on the ocean floor
your sins are forgotten
They're on the bottom
of the ocean floor
--Ocean Floor AudioA.

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