Tuesday 27 March 2007

Desmond and the Coming Through.

You know how sometimes you feel like you're in such a mess and you're waiting in vain for people to come through for you? And you wait and wait, like waiting for a bus with hopes all high BUT they never come through for you?

And then amidst all the feeling sorry for yourself, you realised that other frens came through for you while you never noticed it.

I dun need to 'realise' i've got a great God, who's given me great friends. I already know that, and can see it. He's been so gracious to me.

My misdeeds, All my greed...
All the things that haunt me now...

They're not a pretty sight to see...
But they're wiped away...
By a Mighty Mighty Wave...

- O.F, AudioA.

Help me to be grateful Father, Jesus... For all You've done for me. For coming through for me every single time, even though i couldn't always see, or understand it. And for the people you've placed in my life. Family, and friends. I love You, Jesus.

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