Tuesday 26 May 2009

Desmond and the Overdriven Glands.

I honestly believe in global warming, as I should, with the irrefutable evidence that is the sweltering heat of our Sunny Island.

How I hate that self-declaration, 'Sunny'. As if we don't already have enough sun on a normal "island-day". Seriously, I'd love to apply for citizenship to a country that declares itself Rainy Island.

(This individual believes we should switch off appliances that are not in use for the sake of our sweat glands. His are already in overdrive on a normal-sunny-island-day, and he shivers at the thought of the liquid output that should occur on a global-warmed-sunny-island-day.

And warm shivers should never be.)


estherfoong. said...

I'm dying in the heat seriously! This heat is going on for way too long! :( Rwar

des said...

YESSSSSSss. It rained after I blogged, but the weather is still so warmmmmm. haha..

-=SF=- said...

Well, then don't come to Melb.. It never rains here!

That's a cute little pic there though.. :)

des said...

haha, yea i thot so too. i love lego!