Wednesday 24 June 2009

Desmond and the Cold Tap-water.

Weather-wise, Today has been splendid.

The morning started off with a rain shower that did two things for me. First off, the soft sound of rain falling on the ground, gently nudged me awake. Second, that very same splishing, splashing, rain-is-falling, cradled my consciousness into a state of indecision -- "back to precious sleep, or get up to a beautifully cold morning?"

My said-Consciousness finally settled for "laze in bed half-awake". I agreed, of course.

The cold morning carried on to a cold afternoon which, considering the recent spate of oven-weather, I welcomed with opened arms.

I love waking up to cold mornings. And snuggling under my oft-unused-blanket. And turning the tap to find cool water drenching my hands. Rainy days like today do these for me.

Even now, 60 ticks to midnight, the roads outside are covered in a sheet of fallen-rain, reflecting the warm orange glows of the street lamps.

I love these sights.
I love rainy days.

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