Friday 25 December 2009

Desmond and The Exotic Christmas Dinner.

I hope Christmas is progressing well for you World! I had an early morning, and I think that's the best, because now my Christmas seems infinitely long (roughly four more hours to go).

Also, I've just had a strangely Chinese Christmas dinner, in every sense of the phrase, but that's fine, because I also had Christmas carols playing in the background.

Here's to a merry four hours more! Stay safe!

(This Individual loves how happy this song sounds, but here's the other song he wanted to post: Mick Flannery's 'Christmas Past'. It's a little sappy so this Individual opted in favor of a cheerier tune, since he feels very merry merry. Still, Mick Flannery is mighty brilliant, and if anyone has any idea how to get Flannery's album, this Individual appreciates it in advance.)

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