Tuesday 4 October 2011

Desmond and the Wandering Button.

Yesterday, I had some yam ice-cream, and lost my volume button on my phone. And then at night, I had ice-cream again and realised the next day that I had lost the ear-bud on my earphones. I'm often told that whenever you lose something, it's good to think back to the time you saw it last, and so I did just that. And after my trip down memory lane, I found the common denominator: Le Ice-cream.

It could be a conspiracy. Eat something cold and creamy with a holding device made of crispy biscuit, and somehow, the ice-cream demands something audio-related from you. Consider this my warning to you then: eat ice-cream warily, especially if you are the type who deals with negative emotions by stuffing ice-cream down your throat whilst watching a movie with your headphones on; the Ice-and-Cream never comes without a price. It could be your ear-phones, or your speakers, or even your ear, but remember: the Ice-and-Cream never comes without a price.

Of course, if it was really the biscuit that set off my audio-related loss... eat crackers warily. Or pick the cup or waffle option instead. You might find those much safer.

And me? Well, I might find my volume button and/or earbud. I'm not picky, either one will make me very happy. So very happy that I might even consider having a celebratory ice-cream.

"Button you must wander, wander, wander..."

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