Monday 26 December 2011

Desmond and the Bouncing Up.

"Aww man, I'm home." Those were the words I said under my breath when I got off the cab and lugged my huge duffel bag back home.

I spent a good part of my December being a soldier, and got off just a few days before Christmas. Now, under normal circumstances, I would complain, but really, Decembers are not meant for negativity. Besides, in retrospect, things are usually less intense than we felt in that moment.

2011 is coming to an end, and in retrospect, it wasn't that bad a year.The start of the year had me coming back from Ireland, a little sad, and a little defeated. And then in the middle of the year, I hit a low, before bouncing up again. It sounds simple doesn't it?-- hitting a low and bouncing up. But that's a few weeks out of my 52 in 2011! And it seemed eternal then!!

But true to the nature of time, it all passed by, and now here I am. The closing days of 2011. And I've got to say, 2011 has been good. Trying, at moments but ultimately, (and in retrospect) good. I thank God for new additions in my life, and renewed ambitions. Small ambitions, but renewed, nonetheless.

If Home is where the Heart is, then this year, I have new homes to miss when I'm away, to tidy when it gets messy, and to stay safe in when I'm a little sad, and a little defeated. And I thank God for that. I thank God for new homes. And I pray that He will be a part of my every home, wherever my heart is.

Happy Holidays world. :)

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