Saturday 1 November 2003


You gave me Joy that's unspeakable
And I like it...

Hahaha. newsboys.. very cartoon song.. but.. God's joy is unspeakable.. It is something that is reflected off our lives, our actions, our entire being.

Okay lah.. tell you the truth.. didn't prepare anything to say.Hehe.. so hor.. those who waited in anticipation for this short simple message..(I am trying to have faith to believe ppl are anxiously awaiting it).. going to be disapointed loh.sorry..

I just came back from wedding, didn't intend to blog at all.. because.. yes.. to that extent jennifer was right.. lazy.. OEI.. but at least i update pretty frequetly leh.. amuse you ppl with my silly antics.But then i rmbed its the end of the week already.. must bring my offering of JOY to you guys.

Hahahah.. cham lah.. nothing to say bout joy of the Lord.No bible references.
But the bible says The Joy of the Lord is our strength. Why so? To me lah.. i tink its because.. We know that.. yah lah.. trials, battles, failures, dissappointments, discouragements, hurts and the like..though they may be real,But we have Someone who is in control. That's how we remain joyful.. and creates a chain effect.

We feel down----> But we know He is in control---->We are joyful not in our problems, but in DADDY up there---> We go on because we know all things work for good for those who love Him. ALL things.

I'm a very unstable person.. as in i can have alot of emotions at one go..this week is good example. But one thing that BOSS reminded me is that.. Joy IN the Lord is where my strength's gonna come from.

Like I said before.. we don't deny our problems.We admit them. Faith is NOT positive thinking hello? Nope.. arh arh.. NAh.. NOT.. It is admiting the problem, but in spite of that believing that God's going to work it out for the best.

One thing we also have to realise is that.. What are we fighting for? Be reminded that our goal on this earth is for SOULS.. Once we lose focus.. when things go wrong.. very likely we can't remain joyful.. because somehow, they are not even stuff that God wants us to mainly battle for.

ARH.. sudden stroke of genius again.Opps.. lost it. Wait.. wait..
Oh... when our PRIMARY aim in doing stuff is not for God's glory, when we fail.. we become dissappointed in ourselves.And we lose joy because we are human.. its difficult for us to give ourselves another chance.

But when we do stuff PRIMARYLY for Him, when we fail.. we don't lose that joy.. because He is a God of UNENDING CHANCES. Not saying that we abuse this unceasing supply of 2nd chances.. but.. when we've done our best, and we fail still.. we know we haven't failed God.

Actually. i don't know what I'm saying. coz abit the sleepy..Think what I'm driving at is..Joy IN the Lord gives us strength to go wrong.Its a JOY that remains strong and steady even in times of difficulty.So be happy ppl!! God is GOOD.. God is AWESOMELY GOOD!!

Okay.. my time of difficulty arises.. mission..DESTRUCTO O'sO..Please pray for me.I need lots of prayer.. thank you guys!!

The joy of the Lord is my strength x4.

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