Friday 24 December 2004

The One with the Christmas Cheer..

Jingle Bell Batman Smells Robin Laid an EGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!
The Batmobile lost its wheel and the joker got awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

Christmas is coming!! Just like hours away from it. haha.. k. i realise its bout 12 hours still but it IS still hours. Christmas is my favourite holiday of the year, probably becos the school holidays are together with it, and i feel like i really get a good break that comes with the Christmas holiday. Don't have to rush through celebrating it and all. All the family dinners and all..

Rmb my aunts used to cook those finger food that i absolutely love. Probably every year. Then one year i realised why she always made it for me. Haha, thing was, she loved it too. haha.. Yea. She gave me batman toys when i was young. EVERY YEAR. I had a collection. haha.. thing was, i wasn't that into batman. ( Haha, ok, look who's talking. I just realised i started this entry with a batman song. hahaha..) But seriously.. haha, oh well. then as i got older, she started giving me more big boy gifts. Yea, upgrade from batmobile to hotwheels. haha.. Everyear hotwheels. Cept' i didn't think it was so hot then. haha. k i'm lying. i loved cars when i was a kid. All sorts. Sports, vintage, big, small. haha..

Christmas to me makes the world a smaler place. That Christmas force pushes everyone closer to one another. Neighbours, relatives.. friends. Anything to do with Jesus just naturally oozes out love. I think la. haha.. yea. find it amazing. haa.. but my friends think i'm very cheap thrill.. like everything also amazing. haha.. but yea. really. Christmas is fun, presents or no presents. I love a white christmas!! K. maybe a blu-ish white christmas. haha..


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