Friday 25 March 2005

The one about the blogsurfing.. woosh.

I've just done a blog surf... of... check this out k..

1. People i know who know me.
2. People i know who don't know me
3. People i know who don't know me personally
4. People i don't know who don't know me.
5. People.

Its pretty cool know, and I've been trying to figure out their different styles in writing. I particularly love this category (1.) blog of someone who doesn't really know me. I think he/she has an excellent style. I feel older and more sophisticated ('more' bEcoZ i oRedi m wAdz!!~ =P) haha.. its almost as it you hear his/her voice thru his/her blog entries. And yes, if i have no time, it's one of my die-die must read blogs.

Then there are others, who are always clouded in mystery. People who want an outlet, but never wish to let the world know just too much. This people are often LIT people, who make use of poems that only they understand fully. One of the best methods i feel... cos i practise that too... of cos sometimes even i dun understand my poems. But nonetheless, i love me all the same. Narcissistic, yes.

Yet others still who... (i feel like i'm telling the parable of the sower and the seeds!!) ... yet others still who openly share their feelings and ups and downs, and occasionally their no-so-disireable vocab. These people i sort of admire in a way, becos they are childlike. Very trusting.

I've come across another kind of blogs which i like. Those are the ones who write with sacarsm and thiese blogs i love especially. They're utterly funny, and its not so easy to blog like them. Its just a natural thing i guess.

I love blogs with lots of images and the like. Those are very intriguing. Very engaging.

Others, well, just remain at the same post of very long periods of time, or in some cases, forever and ever till the cows come home.

VOILA!!!! my blog piece while i'm thinking of what to do next... angel send me that mercyme song k!! haha.. i read the lyrics.. haha.. sounds nice.. =))

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