Saturday 22 October 2005

The One about the Eternal..

Its surprising to know that the last episode of Lost, was a recap, and the narrator kept introducing new scenes, with "What if..." Am I psychic, since I wrote a poem on "what if"s? Nah, just clairvoyant. Haha, k. kidding.. well, its just nice to know the world wonders with you, when you are erm.. wondering. (In case you are wondering about that sentence, be assured that the world wonders with you.. even now.)

I was thinking about eternity today.. My cousin got married today, and i was thinking about my own, God-willing, and I-willing, future marriage. And yes, i know i've blogged about my dream wedding before.. About cowboys and horses, and all white weddings. But I guess i'm in the commitment issues period?? I dunno, just the thought of sharing a bedroom for LIFE is scary. Haha, but that's not the point here today.

Well, the point is, eternity is beyond man. Eternity scares man; something that is limitless makes us uncomfortable. Like Elley (Jodie Foster) in Contact, the uncertainty of what to expect is so scary, one can only close their eyes, and 'delude' themselves into believing, "(they're) okay to go". Like it or not, we find a certain certainty (pardon the pun), in boundaries, limits, (love laws HAHA) and in Death. Cos these limits force us to focus and concentrate only on the comprehendable. We find security in these limits, as we can conviniently ignore the existence of the greater and the limitless, as if it were not there.. In doing so, we convince ourselves that we are in control, cos we know where to cordon the keep-out territory.

But the moment we start to think beyond keep-out territory, and we start thinking of eternity, and say, a many-years-down-the-road issue, we find ourselves almost unnerved by the fact that life is going to continue on and on and on and on and on and (you get my drift)... even after you die. Think about the year 3000. What's going to happened then? For those of you with calenders in phones (pressumingly all of you, other than those in the 1190s thinking about the same issue as i am now), scroll on from this month to Oct in another year. Keep doing it... and after awhile stop. And think what are the possible things that could be happening then. Does it overwhelm you? It should. The fact that you know time is limitless and will continue on no matter what happens today, and that Oct 2030 will come, should awe you. And the possibilities to what could be happening then should have the same effect.

I can't imagine living forever and ever and ever.. (and I can't say till the cows come home.. cos well, forever and ever is forever, and there is no TILL). I can't begin to wonder what lies beyond the 5% or 0.5% of my brain cell's i'm using. And I can't begin to even understand God. Or His love for that matter.

But one thing is certain, i'm awed by the limitless power and love of God. It is beyond me. But i'm not going to build a keep-out territory, to keep-out His love, just becos Limitless confounds me. I'm not going to do that so i can con(vince) myself into feeling secure in controlling my own boundaries. Instead, i'll just acknowledge His love IS limitless. And not try and comprehend it.

Knowing He loves you, and me. And not try to rationalise His love away...

PS: Haha, i hope this entry wasn't too difficult to comprehend. If it was.. just know and acknowledge enough. HAHA, k, joking. Just, I'm in a night-high mood, and all these thoughts are running through my head.. Hope you read till the end.. and not skip parts arh! Bottom line is.. some questions just need to be realised and acknowledged, and NOT answered.

Oh and btw, the new blog pic is part of the whole limitless thing.. You can't see the end can you?? Haha..

I'm sorry for another "OH BTW", but Oh Btw, i didn't realised its exactly one year since i blogged about the dream wedding.. how timely! :)

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