Tuesday 6 December 2005

The One Where D. Looks Back at His Draft Entries.

I have a few entries that i've typed previously.. that i've saved as draft. Simply becos i dunno how to complete them and cos i dun wanna turn this blog into some pity party, where i hang banners and streamers laced with self-pity.

I just read them awhile ago.. and i decided i'd let in abit on what i wrote.. haha, cos i thot long about them!!

Here's one.
a.)I realised something, God using you doesn't mean you're awesome, better. God speaking to you doesn't mean you're good. God sees beyond good, and bad. He just sees your, could be-s.

I was just thinking yesterday as i was having my hair cut, that barbers and hairdressers are ppl who see you for who you are now, and yet they also see your potential, your could be-s as I've more appopriately called it above.

Seriously, plastic surgeons, hairdressers, have it in their scope to daily see their customers potential. Construction workers, engineers, and many other professions built on What Is Not, to create What Is, from what they Envision.

In the bible it says, "Without vision, His people die."

How true. If we cannot envision, and cannot see the potential in ppl, or in ourselves for that matter.. we cannot live life. We can live... but not live life. Cos we'll always be focussed on incidents that hurt us, or something, from the past, or the present.

I guess that's how God gives us second chances, or 287437981738848th chances(for me). Cos He sees what i Could Be. I'd be dead over a gazeellion gazeellions times if He saw ONLY my present, or past. And I say Only Cos, He recognises our mistakes, as should we.

But we've gotta realise too, it goes beyond our mistakes. It reaches God's Blueprint of our lives. His building us from What Is Not, to become What Could Be. It reaches our Potential.

I'm thankful that My Superhero of Gazeellion Chances sees me, and the potential I could be. Really. I'd be no where if He didn't. He's amazing.

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