Sunday 4 December 2005

The One With All The Minor Injuries.

this. is. disgusting.

A week before camp, i told colleen when she had a blister, that i hadn't had a blister for a really long time. 2 weeks later, my feet's covered with blisters everywhere. and i got a cut on my hand, from crawling under the pool table, and pulling out some hot pink ribbon.

Not to mention the peice of glass i stepped onto, and took out 2 days later.

My eye was swollen real bad the 2 days following the camp, and its still abit swollen now.

Just this morning, as i was brushing my teeth, i dunno why, but i started brushing so quickly and hard as if it was the cure for cancer. And conveniently hit my gum with my toothbrush, giving me an ulcer that is starting to develop already.

And my thumb decided this morning, it was gonna smooch my room door. LEAVING ME WITH A thumb that's bleeding from inside the nail.
And my poor heart, head, and mind is suffering a severe beating from themselves. Wait. the heart beats always anyways. Haha. but i just realised i'm so disgusted with the way I, and i say MYSELF FIRST, and all other humans are so quick to judge.

We're so quick to judge pp's intentions, good or bad. So quick to judge pp based on CRAP, or rumours, or our own myopic brushes with them. Its like, one hole spoils the entire canvas. And i'm speakin for myself too! I'm so bitter, i'm like a bittergod. haha, bittergourd. But, i let one incident alone map out my perception of ppl. I wanna change man.

In camp, there was this session about making the right decisions. One simple but important that was brought up, and i will leave with you...

What would Jesus have done?

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