Sunday 29 January 2006

The One Where All Fades + Decoded.

"Hopes were fading on Sunday of finding survivors after the roof of a packed exhibition hall collapsed in Poland and rescue workers pulled 65 bodies from the rubble." - of a disaster which occurred apparently due to the weight of snow on the roof, in Poland.

I was on my way back from my grandfather's, thinking of what to blog. I realised everything in this world fades. And lo, and behold, the first news i saw on my yahoo(Ireland; YAY!) homepage was this.. and it started off with this sentece. "Hopes were fading..."

For the first 15 mins in Ah Gong's (Mom's side) house, I was greeted, given the "dun worry bout NS talk".. then i became wallpaper for the next 5 hours. The unofficial Guardian of the TV Screen. Cos i dun go back everyweek like my parents and bro do.. Sat is the common day for the family to go back to fellowship. Only some come back la. So cos i dun go, i really dunno them well.

I used to go back but i stopped, cos of services. And so the familial ties became like pencil shavings.. They simply faded away. The only ones in my extended families, on both sides, that I would consider close is my mom's 2nd Sis's family.. They are the one of the nicest, the truest, loyal, people i know.

I'm not blaming the service for the widdening in gap. But i realised something, everything in this world has to be maintained. Just that, you can't maintain everything at any point of time. Some things have to go.. Only way is to reach a certain compromise.

Ties fade, Colours in books fade, Childhood fades, Frenship fades, Passion fades, Faith fades. Fade, fade, fade, unless you take an active step to refresh these things. Its true what the bible says, rather be cold, or hot, but not lukewarm. (VERY VERY VERY ROUGHLY QUOTED. haha..) Cos just being complacent, and just, being passive, well.. you'll just slide backwards after awhile.

Sometimes its good not to expect too much, cos expections are often failed, seeeing as how so little in this world remains. Many things (and not just people) come back and bite you in the as*. Stab you in the back. Our own judgement is highly flawed.. I admit mine is.

I'm like a Boy with a strucked compass, in the midst of competitors in alliances that i dun even know if i can trust. Who's the real murderer? Which room is a real threat? I'm in the eye of the hurricane, its seemingly calm, but everything else around me is spinning. I can't tell what is what, and how long more before everything comes crashin down.

Our own judgement is highly flawed. Cos everything in this world fades.. 'cept Him.
'Cept Him.

So depressing, haha, yea. But well.. i guess, while things fade, that's not gonna stop me from still hoping, trusting, and believing. I've stopped doing that for certain things and people. But there are other things and people who deserve my hopes for them, my trust and belief in them. So hope goes on. Perhaps even the reality of all fading away, would itself,fade away someday.

That Day.

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