Monday 1 January 2007

Desmond and the Last of 06', in 07'.

How surreal. I didn't even see it coming, at least i didn't think it would be that quick. But there it went. 31st December 2006. Just went by, with my dirty hands, and standing at the back of Sembawang, with the rest. Wishing each other new year wishes in whispers.

It felt nice.

I dun feel any older, any different. It is only the knowledge a new beginning has come that sets me thinking, "there must be something more (in the new year)(because it IS a new year)."

I guess that's hope then. Although mine seems to be more, Hope By Default. But I think it is realising and coming to terms with your present, and being down to earth about it. But also knowing that your present, is well... simply that. That 'present' must give way to 'future'.

And for us, we not only hope, but we rest, assured, in the knowledge that a Future is coming, and that our own futures are held in His Hand.


On a lighter note, I went for the Movie Marathon, and it was packed. Screaming, shouting, laughing. Strangely throughout the entire night. It seems like pp took turns to sleep, and then to stay awake.

But the whole feeling behind the event was mostly, nice and warm. Like being in your house with all the free-walking about, and having to deal with siblings who kept screaming, and the like. But the fellowship was nice.

It felt nice. :)

Instead of having to deal with the dog-eat-dog-ness in the office.

I love the Saints. :)

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

Oh and Joy won an Ipod. Just had to etch that down in the desmond chronicles. So exciting!! Our region pp have won at the last 2 watchnights now! haha..

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