Saturday 23 June 2007

Desmond and the People Watching.

I don't know bout you, but I used to people-watch. Still do now sometimes.

The thing about people-watching is that, you see people in their real moments... the moments when they think no one is watching, or they are simply too caught up in their thoughts to care.

You see the screaming kid, and their moms who couldn't care less. You see people who fall asleep suddenly, when the pregnant woman boards the bus/train.

And you also see the people who give up their seats for others.

The people I find myself sneaking glances at are the ones who have a certain, sad smile. Like that song, "the (person) with the broken smile." I'm so intruiged by what's on their minds, as they smile, sadly, at a baby, or out the window.

Are they usually smiley, but are sad that day?
Or are they simply "smiling through the storm?"

I wonder if God people-watches. Actually, He does. He sees all, and knows all. But I wonder what kinda people attracts His attention. I was thinking about this just bout 2 days back.

How timely that the message today hit on one point; us needing to be mindful that God is always watching us.

And I think that's the answer. The people who attract God's attention, are the ones who Fear the LORD. The ones who love Him and respect Him enough, to want to live unto Him and Him alone. The ones who seek to acknowledge Him in every corner and turn of their life.

Father, help me do the same.
To play only to an Audience of One.
Amen. :)

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