Saturday 2 February 2008

Desmond and the Sticks, Stones and Words.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

How much I want that to be true. But it's hard, because words can deal a wound that goes beyond the superficial; wounds that last longer than stone-induced wounds could ever last.

Does it ever happen to you? Something that destroys your mood, after you've just had an awesome, awesome, service or God-experience?

Well, it happens to me.


I know that the words You speak over me, hold greater weight than what anybody else could say.
I know that my heart could lay bruised and battered, but You would put the pieces back.

"Why so downcast O my soul? Put your hope in God."

You're the reason why I can smile in times like this.
Thank You Lord, You're awesome.

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