Saturday 4 October 2008

Desmond and the Mythbusters.

It's crazy crazy with all the crazy essays and the crazy readings, and if you're crazily wondering what this crazy person(me) is doing with the crazy repetitions, let me remind you crazy kids, because i've just crazily remembered it my-crazy-self, that my crazy blog name is 'repeatedly'.

So I guess I've the license to use the words over and over and over... oh shush, you get the point. -giggles uncontrollably to myself-

Sorry, what's that now? You want me to repeat that? Oh okay, you said, "redid that".

Yea, yea, I redid my blog.

Well not so much redid, but changed the template because everyone knows you have to change the diapers after it's been on too long.

Or is that really true?

K I don't know the answer, but don't panic. See my new favourite show (of the many which have just returned to the (american) world) is.... wait for it... MYTHBUSTERS!

Yea, it's crazy I know. Here's the lit student who knows zilch about science proclaiming to the world(wide-web) that he likes a show about science. To be fair, it's a show about science, about myths, which are like legends, which are stories, which is kinda ultimately like lit.

You should really check out the discovery channel, it's awesome. Deadliest Catch, Dirty Jobs... Starworld, it's time to hand over your star, because a new chanel has been discovered! Well, actually the star should have been handed over months ago, I've loved discovery for quite awhile now, honey(-star-world).

Mythbusters, you are like the legend-ary show of all shows!

Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman
Tory, Kari and Grant
And in keeping in line with lego-batman to the right... Lego Jamie and Adam.
Discovery Channel, everyday at 12noon, or at 5pm.

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