Saturday 11 October 2008

Desmond and Oh-So-Awesome Sylar.

*major heroes season 3 spoiler.*


To Mr Tim Kring,

Sylar has officially fought his way to the top of my favourite-heroes-character list.

When he first started out in Heroes-verse (which is Heroes-universe), I really loved him, because he was such a great villian, but I hated him because... well... he was such a great villian.

And now three years on, Sylar and Noah Bennett have really won me over. From the inner-struggle of "I love you both but you really need to die", to "PLEASE DON'T DIE PLEASE DON'T DIE" and jumping like an uncontrollable fanboy when they come on screen... Mr Kring, I salute you. They are oh-so-awesome characters.

(Sylar abit more than Bennett..)

And here's why!! Last night on Heroes.... (it really isn't "last night" but it sounds so much better than "5 nights ago on Heroes") I got a glimpse of GOOD SYLER! (Edit: The scene was 4 years into the future. Bad Desmond, Bad, for forgetting to put that in. Because Present Syler is still, (awesomely), erm. inbetween. He's kinda still killing, but it's not really his fault. OHH Mr Kring, I love the moral greyness of the characters!!)

Honestly, We've seen good!Characters become evil!Characters over the course of this show, but never in a million years would I have expected the bad guys to turn good! Of cos Hiro could teach me a thing or 2, by time-swapping me a million years forward or backward, but we're not on good terms... so ain't happening. (Not in a million years.)

Good!Syler, or Gabriel Gray (his real name), is... OH-SO-AWESOME. "And your good Sylar-ken doll comes complete with the Bennet playhouse, mini Noah-ken doll, who is Sylar-ken doll's son, and Mr-Muggles-puppy-doll. And real waffles with maple syrup!!" (Edit: OH KRING!! Gabriel (Morally) Gray?? I should be rename this entry "Desmond and Oh-so-awesome Kring.")

The shockers keep coming!! Why is Sylar in the Bennet house? And why is his son named after Noah Bennett? And why do they get waffles and maple syrup without me!!! Well played Mr Kring, well played. You blind-sighted me. I'm looking forward to more of good!Syler and grown-up!Noah.

On the flip side Kring, I can't say the same for Hiro or Peter. They've fallen so far down my who's-it-List, they've made a hole at the bottom of my sheet. (I did say I wasn't on good terms with Hiro.) Seems like there's another formula at work. The stupidity and powerful one. The more powerful you are, the more stupid you become?? I'm going out on a limb now, but it sure seems the case!! (Edit: AHH. That's why it's not "Desmond and Oh-so-awesome Kring", because these characters kinda suck. No offense.)

But I think I'm wrong, because Sylar's powerful and he's not stupid. And so is immortal-vlogger Claire.

Oh I wish I knew Kring, I wish I do. Why are Hiro and Peter so stupid? And why is Matt in Africa? Why is Adam back?? And where is oh-so-awesome-also Elle?? And why why WHY is Mohinder still around?!!?

I promise to ponder over that if you promise to give me more Sylar, Noah, Claire, and Veronica-Elle-Mars screen time.

I hope we've got a deal.

Yours crazily,
Sylarrocks_lvl5 Fanboy.

PS: Oh! And more Niki/Jessica/Gina/Baba/Tracy whoever-she-is-now Ali Larter too please! Thank you.

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