Tuesday 28 October 2008

Desmond and the Police Car Out of a TV Show.

Let's start off with the understanding that I, as a TV-nerd, know absolutely nothing about cars. Everything I know, I've learnt off TV shows. For example, if you see a yellow Volkswagon beatle (and I'm pretty certain I got the spelling wrong,) that is able to talk and move around without a driver, that particular car would be called 'Bumblebee'.

And, if the car is black, and is really smart, but it's TV show has not been getting good reviews or high ratings, the car in question would be Knight Rider. (I don't watch the show and apparently the driver is Knight Rider. The car's name is K.I.T.T. WHOKAY... whatever NBC, nobody watches the show.)

Then there's the car that can do a million things, and parks on a rotating platform in a cave. That would be the Batmobile, the car of all cars.

Okay, but the Metallicar from Supernatural beats the Batmobile hands down. Sorry Batsy, but in the real world, the Metallicar is more... real! (For lack of a better word.) 67' Chevy Impala. Don't I sound car-smart. And the same model was used for a mythbuster's experiment!

I know there's something about horsepower and the carborator, and the dashboard which Blogger has too! And maybe a few things off Mythbusters, but that's pretty much it.

But I do know when I see a pweety car, and this one actually exists in the real world, as a real car! Shocker, yes.

"Italy's State Police can lay claim to having the world's coolest cop car after Lamborghini gifted them a Gallardo LP560-4. " -Yahoo!

Now that's an awesome, K.I.T.T, Batmobilish type of car that actually works in the real world. And I'm not going to say anymore. Not because it's so nice and I'm speechless, but because it's so nice but it's late and I'm tired of typing.

So just enjoy the pictures, and feel free to wonder (as I have), about how the driver of this Lamborghini would never dare to speed in this (police) car. How he would never want to crash it, or spoil it, or scratch it, the (police) car. And yes, you're free to also wonder about how the police will have to fear the theft of their cars, in addition to other cars. Like they don't have enough to worry about.

Still... so nice!!

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