Thursday 23 October 2008

Desmond and Oh-So-Absent Sylar.


Last night's (I'm not counting!!!!) episode of Heroes was pretty awesome, although I'd didn't expect Adam Monroe, Resident-Regenerating-Really-Old-English-Guy to die. And the poor RRROE-Guy just got dug out of his grave!! I mean why bring the RRROE-Guy back if he isn't going to do anything great??

Oh, yea, he did regenerate a bed-ridden-non-talking-machine-and-tube-poked Arthur Petrelli.

How I hate Adam MonRRRroe.
So last night Adam goes and gets himself killed, thanks to stupid Knuckle-head-Knox, and BRNTMAPT Arthur Petrelli. Angela is, as per last week, still paralyzed, but is now in a hospital bed.

Her two sons Peter and Sylar are at Level 5, The Company. Speedster-Nemesis-of-Hiro-and-by-Default-My-Hero Daphne comes recruiting Sylar, freeing him from his one-man concrete cell. I'm just wondering, for a company with such secrecy, and knowledge of people who have powers, they don't really have great security do they?

Sylar refuses, and realising his mother is in trouble, Oh-So-Absent-But-Still-Awesome Sylar goes looking for his brother Peter in one of the neighbouring cells. Wow. Angela must be saving a whole lotta money on electricity bills huh. Her husband is (was) bed-ridden in some other company without her knowledge, Nathan is off to see Milky-Webby Mohinder, she's in the hospital, and her other two remaining sons are locked up in The Company... who's at the Petrelli home using the TV and lights man? Nobody! I thought so too...

Peter is lying on a concrete slab with tubes going into his body. Now Peter, if only you had Daddy's powers, and KH-Knox brought Adam MonRRRroe to see you, you'd be free and walking about too! Oh but Brother Sylar is here to save you.

Sylar removes the tubes, with strangely no blood coming out, unlike Arthur who pulled bloody (and I don't mean in the Adam MonRRRroe-English swearing way) tubes. Peter and Sylar then play a game of catch in the 2m by 4m cell.

Peter acts as if Sylar is the monster, asking him to stay away from him. Yea, when two episodes ago, he was the idiot slicing Nathan's head (his eldest brother). Oh, and not to mention, trying to do the same thing to his mother, in last week's episode. Dude, she still has the plaster on her head while paralyzed on the bed!! (Oo, that rhymes!)

And then, this was the one scene that made me really mad.

Peter: You gave me this hunger made me a monster. Now I can't control it, I'm just like you. (Referring to the hunger for to take other peoples' powers by killing them, that comes with absorbing Syler's powers)

YOU FOOL! First off, how about "Hey bro, thanks for taking those tubes outta me. Now I can breathe and we can get outta here and get a drink." Second, if I (and scores of viewers out there) remember correctly... and we do, I assure you... this is what Future Sylar told you before you took his powers.

Future Sylar: I'm not going to give it to you, my ability...
You (Peter): Then I'll just take what I need.

Future Sylar: I am not going to willingly condemn you to hell.

And then you go and try to do it anyway, and you finally get it. So you "took what you needed", and you can't control it, and it's your brother's fault?!? Seriously, were they pumping liquid-stupid into your body awhile ago??

And THIRD! You are not "just like Sylar"!! He is Oh-So-Absent-But-Still-Awesome!! And you're NOT.

Anyways, Sylar, the smart brother convinces Peter to go help Angela, where Peter gets an image of the Pinehearst logo by reading his mother's mind. Thanks to the oh-so-convinient card that Daphne gave Sylar when she was recruiting him, they have a real location to look for.

At Pinehearst, all the recruited villians, minus Hiro because I guess
they couldn't stand him either, are lined up in front of Mr Petrelli. Peter bursts through the door, and gets a huge shock when he sees Daddy up-and-well. Daddy hugs him and steals ALL his powers. That's what you get Peter, for not bringing your Oh-So-Absent-But-Still-Awesome brother along with you. And for beating him up before you came. And for putting him in the same tubey condition he saved you from. And for saying you were more special than him.

Hiro and Ando were off recruiting DesertIssac, and because it's Hiro, it's probably not worth talking about. Daphne meets Matt for the first time, who has left DesertIssac but taken the turtle along with him. She was supposed to recruit him but Daphne thinks he's a good man and tells him to stay away. She's kinda a good person also, because she doesn't agree with killing. Although she does leave Tracy and Nathan, even after Tracy calls out to her for help...
Tracy and Nathan went to see Milky-Webby Mohinder, thinking he could help them with their synthetic abilities. Instead, the good doctor drugs them, and keeps them hostage in his web of evil. I told you the Petrelli-household is saving on its bills!!

Claire and her heroic-non-power-adoptive mom are off trying save Claire's heroic-power-biological mom from one of the creepiest villians I've seen so far: Eric Doyle. Doyle is a puppeteer, a human-puppeteer who 'teers' humans. He catches all 3 women, and 'teers' them into a round of Russian Roulette. Not knowing Claire is regenerative, he has Sandra kill her daughter, only to have Claire heal and knock him out with.... something. I think it's kinda fake that a guy his size is so easily knocked cold.. but whatever man.

HRG who is very much absent this week, like Sylar, comes to take him away, and to offer Meredith a job at The Company. I'm guessing they haven't heard about Pinehearst, but all the better for us. I hate Pinehearst already. I hope Meredith stays alive in the coming weeks. She, Sandra and Claire make a good them. "One of us, one + one of them" could be the new company rule.
Man, I really hope it's not liquid-stupid in those tubes. I'd hate for Sylar to be "just like" Peter.

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