Saturday 4 July 2009

Desmond and Michael Owen.

Of all clubs!

I have a usual disregard for all news sports, meaning that portion of the papers is moot to me. But Michael Owen is one of those very few football players I know, since the 98' World Cup. He and Alan Shearer were the first players I knew, and liked.

I don't have a clue about his playing now. To be quite frank, I don't care either. It's just that Shearer and Owen remind me of a younger-me. With younger-take on younger-world.

Owen was just 18 when he played in the World Cup! Watching him then, I used to think 18 was old. And when 18 finally came, it passed by so quickly, I didn't realise I was already 19.

The United fans might have an adverse reaction to this addition, but for me, I will always remember him as England's youngest player in the World Cup (at that time). He was good. And I liked him then. Even his sickly days will not discredit him in my memory.

At least, not until the next I see him play (for the meh team). But if my disregard for sports holds, that might be never.

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