Saturday 25 October 2003

Oh well.. I'm the most bloggious one here.. one new entry evry 2 days.Just that, after studying and doing maths till late night, you just want to blog to relieve the stress and let your mind slow down abit.My mind is slowing down.. as in not so clear, want to sleep yah? Not becoming SENILE.

Okay, contrary to popular believe (I dunno if its popular, the phrase just sounds nice), I did NOT encourage a certain someone.I did not I did not! Argh.. whatever, as esther foong and I would say together!

Whatever Whatever.. arh.. repeat that to yourself 1o times and you will feel the easing of spirit and mind.Of course you would also sense someone calling woodbridge which sad to say, is NOT in woodlands.

And so, What shall i speak of today? I feel a long entry coming up and i feel a few ppl twit.....OEI YOU!! Who ask you click on the back button?! READ ON. NOW!!!.. as i was saying before i was so rudely interrupted *Glares menacingly at culprit(s) and turns back smiliing sweetly to faithful ones still reading(Faithful ones please sign gb to win gratitude from the kid--ME LAH.)*.....and i feel a few ppl twitching uncomfortably in their seats.

Okay how bout this.Nah... nvm bout that.You guys probably know already.Well,Os are up real soon.Please pray yah, I know i don't seem worried but I'm just a boy.Arghh.. as if anyone would believe huh?

Went for morning prayer this morn.Woke up at 5 cause thot first train at 5.3o. Then i reached the station at 5.4o and waited till 6.1o!!Felt so dumb and wanted to cry there and then.YAH LAH, I cry alot lah, for a guy.I have had so little sleep the whole week leh.I purposely wake up so early to reach cck late?!?!?!? No right?that's why loh.

When i reached bus interchange.. no one was taking 3oo at all.I was like trying to act normal but i was fidgeting inside cause didn't know if 3oo would really come.NOT ONE PERSON loh, and for Service 3oo...its not normal.So i just kept reading my geog textbook.rmb its 6.3o at that moment.I was more of trying to act studious and geeky so that if i really made a mistake ppl will like say" Aiyah, normal for studious kids."

And so i reach CCK building at 6.4o and when i step into the sanctuary, Its like something hits you in the stomach.*WHANG BAM!!OoooFf*. So filled with God's presence there.Its just so... wow!!!Of coz i felt like a total idiot.I was the youngest there and i reached there so late( only 2o min left).And i didn't know pray for what!!So i just prayed whatever came to my groggy mind.

Then in a jiffy, we ended.And left for glorious Sunshine place.Sunshine place was never so SHINED upon by the Sun before... FOOD..I mean.... GOOOd.... but i was sooooo tired.And the adults and my dear da ge were all speaking in this foreiggn language which i would call CANTONESE.Wah... i only understand bits and peices by listening for similar sounds to chinese words and applying my assumptions to the situation to see if they were applicable.

AND my da ge did not interpret also.So I'm like.. giving ppl this.."Hey, I know its something funny but i dunno what exactly" Kind of smile.I felt like soooo stupid.But they were really cool ppl.. i mean.. erm.. nice ppl.. fun.Wah.. sis lily treat me.I was so pai seh, but i rmb once she said in class--"If i give you treat, you dun refuse me.".So listen loh.I didn't want her to pay loh.Honest.

Okay.. I'll continue another time.Even i worry for the length and endurance of my readers.

I'll jsut continue now and cut short.Well... we went home i went home with Sis Lily.And I CAN"T WAIT for next time i go morning prayer!! This time.. most prob on fri..can someone give me lift? Qiuyi cabbing??Eric cabbin?Elvin cabbing?Esther cabbing?Someone cabbing? I dun want to go late again.. Arh... I'll convince Jidi to go and take cab with her!! Hahahha.. nice one desmond but.. nah... not likely boy.

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