Monday 20 October 2003

Operation BOOM BOOM HW!

I so must write today... because everyone else is writing.. hahahaha...Okay.. well. Yesterday night was like battle ground for a few of us.WOW.. for me... i slept on the battle ground.

12- 1 am--- I am trying hard to think of a battle plan for the invasion of my
nemesis.Code name:HW I have lost my trusty aide... Officer Cal (Short for calculator).. and am left without help to anhilate HW. Less than half of HW can be anhilated because of the absence of Officer Cal. I reckon i should sleep. and wake up early to resume anhilation planning..I order my recruit Hp to wake me at 4.3o.

4.3o am--- I am awakened by the insistent naggings of HP.Hp tells me it is 4.3o. "Sir, would you want continue the battle plan Sir?" I slap him hard in the stomach.And he silences for a good 1o min. Its good because i get to plan my battle plan for another good 1o min.I think momentarily of my comrade in the other side of territory F11, my beloved Da ge, who has been tasked with one of the most monstrous enemy of all -- a terrible foe who goes by the name 25oo word essay!I shudder at the mere thought...... but push myself to return to my planning.

4.4o am
---Hp awakes from his uncounsious state.This time I tell Hp to go prepare
himself and wake me at 4.55 whilst my battle plan takes shape in Dreamland.

4.55 am
---I commend Hp for his precision in his wakening duties.But i worry thus for his well-being so I grant him permission to rest for another 55 min before we embark on Operation "BOOM BOOM HW!!"

5.45 am---Recruit Hp once again awakens, ever so ready to fulfill his military duties.And i?I am now fully prepared and have come with a perfect and flawless battle strategy.. as always.Operation BOOM BOOM HW!! is a worthy task pit against our wits. and being witful people (hahaha.. such word btw.. as my da ge can attest).I propose we leave my nemesis to die of old age. Hp agrees with me.. and promises to wake me at 6.3o

6.35 am-- I wake up and prepare the furneral procession.Operation BOOM BOOM
HW!! has been a success and but i still admire a worthy foe like HW.I utter a small prayer before going out of my tent.( okay im lying.. a really big big big prayer okay??Man..).

There you have it..operation BOOM BOOM HW!! I was fully aware of what i was doing to recruit Hp.I was fully aware i was endangering my life by leaving HW to die of old age.His bosses could have easily rendered me dead.But my brilliant planning scrapped by.I am victorious! I have triumphed over my arch enemy........... at least for now.

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