Tuesday 20 January 2004

Majesty King of eternity
The sky the sea the land
Created in Your hand
Majesty King of eternity
Fill in blank please

We will exalt Your name King Jesus
Every knee shall bow
before Your throne
We will exalt Your name King Jesus
There's no one like You
There's no else like You

God, come close. Let me give You a hug. I don't want to let go. Ever.

God is good huh? Haven't had this sentence in my blog for quite awhile. Not that He wasn't in the past few days, but just that I'm trying to return to the simple things. That God is Good.

I just heard something that totally makes me abit disappointed. Its like this. Uncle Boyle says no morn prayer from tmr onwards to sat cos rp going back. And I have no sch from tmr to like sat. Talk about OH MY WORD.

Anyways, God doesn't just dwell in cck sanctuary every morning from 5.30 to 7. He's everywhere huh? You know what? Sometimes i blog all these. And I don't seem to be living my life like i believe them.

This I believe. That my God can show up even at my house whole day round, all week round, all month round, all year round. So yea, no morn prayer, but God still can show up. I've got so much to tell Him i don't know where to begin. Others may never give me a chance to speak. I may never give myself a chance to speak. But my God always gives me a chance to.

Have we given a chance to ourselves? Have we allowed ourselves time to speak to Him? Have we allowed Him the time to speak back? Have we allowed Him the chance to care?

I miss some ppl. Really do. Just want to be close to them once again.

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