Saturday 16 July 2005

Of malu-iation.

Sighs, i'm so malu-iated recently...

Haha, if you think posting a msg you want to take back from a tag board malu-aiting, (QH, haha, do you want me to remove your tag since its over?) i've sent out msges to ppl i wanna take back right now.

Jus a few days ago, as i was getting down the bus 160, i bumped my head on the door-post, or the part of the bus with the ALIGHTING sign.. I went like OUCH, before getting off the bus. Now, trust me on this. I'm sure no one was tinking, "WOW, he's so tall (k, i'm not that tall) that he hit the top of the bus.." I bet they were like "IDOIT!!!"

On friday, we had some stupid talk. Then we had q and a. My teacher was giving us a few questions to ask. My teacher was saying before the q and a that if i went up i would only be smiling sillily without saying a thing. Sighs, anyways, he was giving this guy a question to ask, and he refused, becos he's smart. My teacher was so passionate about the question, my fren said someone should really ask it.. And being the smart alec i was, i volunteered myself.I wanted to prove to my teacher i wouldn't just go up there and smile. Plus, i thought, if i'm gonna be a pastor, its gotta start somewhere huh?

Well, i did prove my teacher wrong. I didn't just go up there and smile. I went up there, smiled, stuttered, shivered, and erm and er and erm and er myself to ultimate maluiation. The moment i went up there i'm like. SHOOT. And the moment i heard the mumurring a million thoughts went through my head.

"OH NO. Mr Koh's gonna say this is horrible."
"OH MAN. The entire school is laughing at me."
"OH CRAP. The entire board of teachers are saying I'm hopeless"
"OH NO!!!! I'm destroying the sch reputation." (Now, i'm more worried bout mine.. whatever's left at least"

SIGHZZZZZZZ... I'm so humiliated. I shouldn't have gone forwardddddddd. I wana go into hiding for a few mths..

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