Monday 26 December 2005

The One About Chinese, Stage, and Christmas.

Well, before i go any further, i just wanna give GOD ALL THE GLORY, for what He has done in the production. I wanna say its thanks to HIM, and HIM ALONE, i could have gone up there and sang.

Haha, when i first heard they wanted me to sing in mandarin, i was totally GONE. Like seriously? Asking Desmond to sing in mandarin is like, asking a dog to purr. Plus add that to my stage fright, which many ppl know i have. True, I was sooo excited, cos i did made passing comments to God that I would really love to sing. But i didn't think i would actually have the chance to, let alone in mandarin.

So i was so panicky. And I'm so thankful to God, for Sis Rina Tan, the sister who gave me practical pointers and revealed so much beyond the technicalities, for Pam, who really calmed me and tried everything to help me, to Judith and Eric Cheng who were like, so patiently playing the piano and teaching me my part, and of cos Xiao Yan Zi, the chinese PLP student who sang with me. And of cos ppl like sharon, jason oon, col, esther f, hayley who really encouraged me. THANK YOU.

And TO GOD. I just kept praying before the show ALL FOR YOU. ALL FOR YOU. And when i went up on stage, my hands were terribling.YET I had a calm around me i know i could never have gotten just like that, considering my stage fright. And i just felt God's presence on that stage. SO strong, it took over. So here, while i gotta admit sometimes i wld love to take some of the glory, i've gotta say, IT WAS ALL FOR HIM. and it was all, HIM.

I tink the production was a sucess.. God really showed the reality of His Love today, through the simple cruxicifiction video. To tink i was criticising that the song played with it was too rock-ish and unfit for the images. But His ways? Higher than ours.

Anyways, everyone did a really good job. I'm proud of everyone, the Video Crew, the Sound, Lighting and Props, the make-up, the worship team, the actors. KUDOS.

This year's christmas turned out to be a great one. Thank God for frens like John, Joel, Col, Esther, Angel, Joy, Gabriel, RINA!, Qiuxia and many many many many others who spent the day with me.. thank you.

And once more, thankyou God. Happy Birthday. =) You're really old, in human years, now. haha..


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