Saturday 3 June 2006

The One About twentyfour.

I've just finished my twentyfour km, and my feet have something to say. There there, don't be shy now, just say it loud and so clearly (maria, i've just met a girl named mariaaaa....).


Blisterful year, its a blisterful time. But thank God, and thanks to joash and the miracle-working black tape, the blisters are not as much as compared to my sixteen km.

The youth camp theme two years back was twentyfour seven. I've got to say twentyfour seven God has been with me. Every step of the way I've seen God move in so many different ways.

They say you'll become a real man after you go in... I was talking to Daniel just now, and he sorts of disagrees with them. I too disagree. I don't feel any more of a man, or less for that matter, after going in.

I just feel that I'm a man, ohkayfine, boy, who just appreciates time with his frens, and appreciates his family, and appreciates his God more.

There's so much going on la. I got rejected, (GASP! first time in my life... haha, k rubbish. I admit) Referring to my applications. I'm anxious thinking where I'm gonna be posted. Do I have enough time for ppl I wanna catch up with? When am I gonna watch X3, and with who (altho I've determined if no one goes with me, I'll be going with Jean, Scott, Warren Brown, and Logan.)

Admist all my worry, there's the very special verses, "Do not be anxious about anything..." and the one that jumped out at me that night when I was feeling so swarmped by so many things...

Be still and know that I am God.

Do you know worry is a sin? It's putting faith in the circumstance, and your own inability to handle it, instead of putting your faith in God.

When the oceans rise and thunders roar,
I will be still and know YOU ARE GOD.

Thank God for being God.

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