Sunday 6 May 2007

Desmond and the Heavy Breakfast Theory.

Amy Green (to Joey who's finishing a pizza) : "Uoh oh oh, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips!"

-Friends, The One where Rachel's Sister Babysits.

Ever since I got back from TW, I keep having these crazy moments where I start raiding the fridge and the kitchen, and I'll keep eating and eating. Then at other times, I wouldn't even eat at all. Needless to say, I think I've gained weight since I came back.

I think the deal is, I know I lost weight in TW, so at the back of my mind, I keep telling myself it's ok to eat abit more. And over time, the over-compensated eating leaves you with more weight. That's why its not good to skip meals. You skip breakfast and lunch, and at the end of the day you say to yourself, "Ok, I didn't eat at all today. So to reward myself at dinner.........................."

I can't rmb who it was I had the theory with, in JC, that eating a good breakfast helps cuts down the need to have snacks and a heavy lunch throughout the rest of the day. I think that theory really works.

Ah.. food. Singaporean's Struggle man. The love-hate relationship.

Still, to quote Joey, "I’M CURVY, AND I LIKE IT!" Although it's more like flabby. haha..

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