Friday 5 December 2008

Desmond and Me Irish Discoverehh!

I swear I've stopped my 5-day Irish Craze, during which I searched for all pics Irish.

Yet somehow, I still find myself drawn to things which I realise, only later, are Irish.

Take the song playing now for instance. It's by a band called The Script, which I find out after some good ol' wiki-ing, is an Irish band! SEE! Irish bands are awesome. My personal favourites are Ronan Keating and The Corrs, but look at Westlife and U2! (Yes yes, Ronan Keating isn't a band, but whatever.)

I had intended not to blog about The Script, and have another "Irish entry" in a row. But I changed my mind after hearing what my dad said this morning.

Dad (as we're walking back from breakfast): "Oh dear. I've forgot me newspaper."

I grinned to myself. AHHHHH. "Me". Classic Irish talk.

Just in case you're wondering, my Dad is a very British-y man at heart. He uses British lingo, and I guess it's because of his upbringing. So he frequently uses English exclamations in the house, ever since I was young. He's so funny.

Really made me smile today. (:

(I know I've been Irish-ing a lot recently, but I can't stop thinking about exchange program over there. And to be quite frank, Ireland is rather brilliant. Bloody brilliant as the British and Dad might put it.)

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