Monday 4 May 2009

Desmond and "All Over Again".

I'll admit it. I'm a fanboy. I like to think it's an alter ego that is only activated when the object of my fan-dom appears before me, but that's just a thought, and I could be terribly wrong.

Well, today, Ronan Fanboy was beeped. Kinda like the batsignal. I see something Ronan, I know it's a sign to throw on my fanboy costume and emerge.

If you do read the li.fe.sec.tion of the STs, which you should because the Stonesoup, Foxtrot and Babyblues comics are awesome, you'd realise Ronan Keating has an interview with ST on the 3rd page. That's one, two, THREE, for the fan-person in you!

I think Keating started off much of the Irish Lovin' for me. And although he's dropped out of my blog and my music in recent months (years), I still like him.

I think I might just make a playlist of Keating and Boyzone songs later. Hmmm. (Edit: Since I'm too lazy to make a new playlist, I'm going to put my Irish playlist up again. With more Keating in it. )

(If you're a closet Ronan Fan-person, and want to read the online article, click the picture of Ronan. If not, just get the onetwoTHIRD page of today's li.f.e!)

1 comment:

jasonT said...

I clicked on the link. OHHHHHH!!! hahaha