Monday 21 May 2007

Desmond and the Inter(esting)views.

That's it. 2 interviews down in a span of 4 days. N.TEE.YOU lit, and N.AI.YEE.

Honestly, I think the interviews could have gone better. Haha, I dun really speak well. And I'm reminded once again of a certain day in college where I made that point clear to many ppl. :(

That said, who I am doesn't define who God is. :)

He's bigger than I'll ever know, smarter than I'll ever know, and sees further into the future than I could ever see. He'll know what to do with my life, even though I dun at this point.

Haha, NEEways, still waiting on the replies and all. (oh God, please. haha.)

(please give me a car, and a license, and maybe a van cos i only just realised yesterday just how much cheaper diesel is compared to petrol. i mean i knew it was cheaper, but that much?!

and maybe while you'll at it, maybe i could have a 9 mth leave from the ES.EH.EPH. and not need to go back for rhee-sur-veest..)

thanks God, You're the best!

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