Wednesday 29 October 2008

Desmond and the Return of Elle.

*Major Heroes Season 3 Spoilers*

“Previously on Heroes”, goes my screen. And then I am treated to a montage of previouslies from last week’s episode, the first one being the scene with Sylar and Peter, whatever little screen time they had last week. The previouslies ends with a scene that we did not see last week, Claire and Sandra finding a Pinehearst calling card at Doyle’s.

Then starts the episode proper: “Somewhere in Africa”. Hiro is whining about not wanting to go back to the future, and DesertIssac says something about evil forces gathering, a dark sun rising, and soon it’ll be too late. Sounds kinda familiar doesn’t it. I think someone’s been watching too much Lord of the Ringgggsss.

They cut to a painting of a man standing in front of a couple, which morphs into Mohinder, Nathan and Tracy, in real life. Suresh says, “Nathan, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and cherish...” Okay he doesn’t, but it looks awfully like they’re getting married. They have a conversation that ends with Mohinder grabbing Maya’s unconscious body and flying/jumping out of the skylight, sending showers of glass/rice to celebrate the happy couple’s marriage. Bride Tracy gives Groom Nathan a look that seems to say, “HE STOLE OUR THUNDER DARLING!”

Then we cut to Peter, dreaming about when he first heard his father had died. He wakes to see DaddyPetrelli beside him. He’s handcuffed, and they have a chat, which ends in DaddyPetrelli grounding him. DaddyPetrelli, “grounded” means no ice-cream, go to your room, no more prom for you. Not exactly handcuffed to an autopsy table.

Sandra and Claire return home to find their house lights all flickering on and off. They find Lyle on the floor. Claire goes to the study and finds that ELLE IS BACK!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! Elle’s all “Hey Cheerleader,” before electricity flickers through her body and face. Claire replies “Hey Cyborg.” Okay no, but they have a fight which ends when Lyle pours a bucket of water over Elle, shocking her. I LOVE THE BENNETS!! AND ELLE!

Elle explains that her powers have been on the fritz and she’s been having random outbursts of electricity. She also has a Pinehearst calling card which we know Claire does too! Elle explains she needs help. My girl, what you need, is to be grounded, literally.

Then a quick cut to Mohinder in Pinehearst. Arthur talks to him, and takes away Maya’s ability with his touch. Finally she’s free from her lousy power. Daddy Petrelli needs Mohinder’s help to make the formula better, which might help save Mohinder from his own lousy synthetic powers. Daddy Petrelli offers Peter as Mohinder’s test subject. OH OH.

Angela, in her comatose state, then visits Syler, in his comatose state, through her dream power. She tells him he doesn’t know the half that he’s capable of. I don’t either, Angela, and I really wanna find out! Anyways, she tells him to save Peter, and to show them why Syler’s her favourite, and to make “Mommy proud”.

Now, I watched the first season last night and she said Peter was her favourite then. I like Angela but she seems to be making use of Syler. Lying liar who lies!!! Syler then wakes up, and pulls out the tubes, and flings the doors away. Guess it’s true then, his powers can overcome the liquid-stupid pumping through him.

Daddy Petrelli asks Daphne to kill Matt for refusing to join the company. In front of Matt’s father no less. Maury objects, and Petrelli snaps his neck. OUCH. Daphne whines about not being a killer and asks for another way to the Matt problem. And apparently the answer is to gain Matt’s trust by pretending to be unable to shoot Matt. Which she acts out at his apartment. He buys into the whole act, because Matt is nice, but very, very, VERY gullible, and puts too much faith in the stupid future he saw. Knox comes by to fake-kill imaginary-Daphne. Imaginary-Matt then immobilises Knox with his mind-mojo and says he can kill Knox with his own fears. And because Matt is nice, but very, very, VERY gullible, he doesn’t and gets himself killed. Imaginary-Matt at least.

Mohinder is about to inject Peter with a new and improved version of the formula when SYLER (YES!!!!!!!!!!) comes and saves Peter. Peter’s all “you came back for me, even after what I’ve done.” Yea. I’m as shocked as you are Peter, but I’m dealing with it. Get over it. Mohinder then starts smashing Syler’s head repeated against the ground with his spider-strength. STOP IT SURESH! STOP IT! Daddy Petrelli saves his other son (so Syler is a full-fledge Petrelli, not an affair baby!!) And saves my poor heart from almost giving out on me.

Cut to the eldest Petrelli boy, Groom Nathan and his Bride Tracy. They called Primatech, which sends Noah, and Meredith (yes!!) to rescue them. Now, this is a wedding. With all the relatives and ex-es reuniting!! Meredith the ex, says, HILARIOUSLY to Nathan, “I see you still have a weakness for blondes.”

Cut to two other blondes, Elle and Claire in a plane on their way to Pinehearst. Elle’s outbursts almost shocks the plane into a crash, but Claire comes up with a brilliant idea to channel Elle’s shocks to Claire. They hold hands to make it work, and it’s again HILARIOUS when after the ordeal, Elle asks awkwardly but gratefully for her hand back, “do you mind?” This episode is awesome!!!

Daddy Petrelli is suspending Syler in mid air with his powers, and goes on to tell him that Angela is a lying liar who lies. And that she dreamt of the horrible things Syler had done, and tried to drown him as a baby, but Daddy saved him just in time. Argh, who do I believe?! Poor Syler, he’s trying to be a better person and everyone’s still using him. I’m not surprised if he becomes evil, although I really hope not. Anyways, Peter comes in awhile later to save Syler, which is really nice of him. This episode is shocking me. (Yea, the pun about Elle’s powers aside!) Arthur breaks up the reunion, and Syler proceeds to fling Peter out of the window!


Elle and Claire arrive just in time to see Peter survive the 7 story fall with only cuts and scratches. Peter explains he’s not healing because his powers were taken, and Elle runs straight into the building. Guess she really wants to be grounded too. Claire helps Peter away, and we cut to the happier family reunion at the wedding.

There’s an introduction to each other. “So Meredith’s the biological mother of your illegitimate daughter Claire, whose adoptive dad is Noah? How cool is this Nathan??” Nathan’s too busy to answer, he’s got a call from Claire. I think the scene’s awesome, Tracy!! Ask me! Nathan’s got a call from his illegitimate daughter, “Hey real-dad? Uncle Peter was just flung out of the window by Uncle Syler and Grandpa Arthur. I hear my foster dad Noah, and my real mom Meredith are there with you! Oh how’s Tracy the fake-new wife of my real dad (you)? Come over now!!”

Nathan and Tracy do go over, where Peter deduces that Sylar used his powers to slow Peter’s fall. Peter thinks Syler saved him, wanted him to escape. So do I, Petey so do I. Peter tells Nathan about their father’s fake death and after bluffing Peter that he would not go looking for Arthur, Nathan and Tracy do. What a great honeymoon destination Nathan.

Last scene, Somewhere in Africa. Hiro is given some old family recipe for seeing the past or future, and some spirit walk. Which actually works. Made out of hyena dung and other stuff, but it works. That’s probably why next week we’ll see a flashback.

Bottomline, Sylar, Elle, Angela, Noah, Sandra and a glimpse of smarter Peter? Excellent episode.

And yea, I can't believe I recapped an entire episode also.

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Desmond and the Police Car Out of a TV Show.

Let's start off with the understanding that I, as a TV-nerd, know absolutely nothing about cars. Everything I know, I've learnt off TV shows. For example, if you see a yellow Volkswagon beatle (and I'm pretty certain I got the spelling wrong,) that is able to talk and move around without a driver, that particular car would be called 'Bumblebee'.

And, if the car is black, and is really smart, but it's TV show has not been getting good reviews or high ratings, the car in question would be Knight Rider. (I don't watch the show and apparently the driver is Knight Rider. The car's name is K.I.T.T. WHOKAY... whatever NBC, nobody watches the show.)

Then there's the car that can do a million things, and parks on a rotating platform in a cave. That would be the Batmobile, the car of all cars.

Okay, but the Metallicar from Supernatural beats the Batmobile hands down. Sorry Batsy, but in the real world, the Metallicar is more... real! (For lack of a better word.) 67' Chevy Impala. Don't I sound car-smart. And the same model was used for a mythbuster's experiment!

I know there's something about horsepower and the carborator, and the dashboard which Blogger has too! And maybe a few things off Mythbusters, but that's pretty much it.

But I do know when I see a pweety car, and this one actually exists in the real world, as a real car! Shocker, yes.

"Italy's State Police can lay claim to having the world's coolest cop car after Lamborghini gifted them a Gallardo LP560-4. " -Yahoo!

Now that's an awesome, K.I.T.T, Batmobilish type of car that actually works in the real world. And I'm not going to say anymore. Not because it's so nice and I'm speechless, but because it's so nice but it's late and I'm tired of typing.

So just enjoy the pictures, and feel free to wonder (as I have), about how the driver of this Lamborghini would never dare to speed in this (police) car. How he would never want to crash it, or spoil it, or scratch it, the (police) car. And yes, you're free to also wonder about how the police will have to fear the theft of their cars, in addition to other cars. Like they don't have enough to worry about.

Still... so nice!!

Thursday 23 October 2008

Desmond and Oh-So-Absent Sylar.


Last night's (I'm not counting!!!!) episode of Heroes was pretty awesome, although I'd didn't expect Adam Monroe, Resident-Regenerating-Really-Old-English-Guy to die. And the poor RRROE-Guy just got dug out of his grave!! I mean why bring the RRROE-Guy back if he isn't going to do anything great??

Oh, yea, he did regenerate a bed-ridden-non-talking-machine-and-tube-poked Arthur Petrelli.

How I hate Adam MonRRRroe.
So last night Adam goes and gets himself killed, thanks to stupid Knuckle-head-Knox, and BRNTMAPT Arthur Petrelli. Angela is, as per last week, still paralyzed, but is now in a hospital bed.

Her two sons Peter and Sylar are at Level 5, The Company. Speedster-Nemesis-of-Hiro-and-by-Default-My-Hero Daphne comes recruiting Sylar, freeing him from his one-man concrete cell. I'm just wondering, for a company with such secrecy, and knowledge of people who have powers, they don't really have great security do they?

Sylar refuses, and realising his mother is in trouble, Oh-So-Absent-But-Still-Awesome Sylar goes looking for his brother Peter in one of the neighbouring cells. Wow. Angela must be saving a whole lotta money on electricity bills huh. Her husband is (was) bed-ridden in some other company without her knowledge, Nathan is off to see Milky-Webby Mohinder, she's in the hospital, and her other two remaining sons are locked up in The Company... who's at the Petrelli home using the TV and lights man? Nobody! I thought so too...

Peter is lying on a concrete slab with tubes going into his body. Now Peter, if only you had Daddy's powers, and KH-Knox brought Adam MonRRRroe to see you, you'd be free and walking about too! Oh but Brother Sylar is here to save you.

Sylar removes the tubes, with strangely no blood coming out, unlike Arthur who pulled bloody (and I don't mean in the Adam MonRRRroe-English swearing way) tubes. Peter and Sylar then play a game of catch in the 2m by 4m cell.

Peter acts as if Sylar is the monster, asking him to stay away from him. Yea, when two episodes ago, he was the idiot slicing Nathan's head (his eldest brother). Oh, and not to mention, trying to do the same thing to his mother, in last week's episode. Dude, she still has the plaster on her head while paralyzed on the bed!! (Oo, that rhymes!)

And then, this was the one scene that made me really mad.

Peter: You gave me this hunger made me a monster. Now I can't control it, I'm just like you. (Referring to the hunger for to take other peoples' powers by killing them, that comes with absorbing Syler's powers)

YOU FOOL! First off, how about "Hey bro, thanks for taking those tubes outta me. Now I can breathe and we can get outta here and get a drink." Second, if I (and scores of viewers out there) remember correctly... and we do, I assure you... this is what Future Sylar told you before you took his powers.

Future Sylar: I'm not going to give it to you, my ability...
You (Peter): Then I'll just take what I need.

Future Sylar: I am not going to willingly condemn you to hell.

And then you go and try to do it anyway, and you finally get it. So you "took what you needed", and you can't control it, and it's your brother's fault?!? Seriously, were they pumping liquid-stupid into your body awhile ago??

And THIRD! You are not "just like Sylar"!! He is Oh-So-Absent-But-Still-Awesome!! And you're NOT.

Anyways, Sylar, the smart brother convinces Peter to go help Angela, where Peter gets an image of the Pinehearst logo by reading his mother's mind. Thanks to the oh-so-convinient card that Daphne gave Sylar when she was recruiting him, they have a real location to look for.

At Pinehearst, all the recruited villians, minus Hiro because I guess
they couldn't stand him either, are lined up in front of Mr Petrelli. Peter bursts through the door, and gets a huge shock when he sees Daddy up-and-well. Daddy hugs him and steals ALL his powers. That's what you get Peter, for not bringing your Oh-So-Absent-But-Still-Awesome brother along with you. And for beating him up before you came. And for putting him in the same tubey condition he saved you from. And for saying you were more special than him.

Hiro and Ando were off recruiting DesertIssac, and because it's Hiro, it's probably not worth talking about. Daphne meets Matt for the first time, who has left DesertIssac but taken the turtle along with him. She was supposed to recruit him but Daphne thinks he's a good man and tells him to stay away. She's kinda a good person also, because she doesn't agree with killing. Although she does leave Tracy and Nathan, even after Tracy calls out to her for help...
Tracy and Nathan went to see Milky-Webby Mohinder, thinking he could help them with their synthetic abilities. Instead, the good doctor drugs them, and keeps them hostage in his web of evil. I told you the Petrelli-household is saving on its bills!!

Claire and her heroic-non-power-adoptive mom are off trying save Claire's heroic-power-biological mom from one of the creepiest villians I've seen so far: Eric Doyle. Doyle is a puppeteer, a human-puppeteer who 'teers' humans. He catches all 3 women, and 'teers' them into a round of Russian Roulette. Not knowing Claire is regenerative, he has Sandra kill her daughter, only to have Claire heal and knock him out with.... something. I think it's kinda fake that a guy his size is so easily knocked cold.. but whatever man.

HRG who is very much absent this week, like Sylar, comes to take him away, and to offer Meredith a job at The Company. I'm guessing they haven't heard about Pinehearst, but all the better for us. I hate Pinehearst already. I hope Meredith stays alive in the coming weeks. She, Sandra and Claire make a good them. "One of us, one + one of them" could be the new company rule.
Man, I really hope it's not liquid-stupid in those tubes. I'd hate for Sylar to be "just like" Peter.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Desmond and Oh-MORE-Awesome Sylar.

Hi all, please take note that my old mail,, is no longer in use.

Please add me at my new mail,

Nuff' said.

Aww!! Come on! as if I'd give up a chance to ramble on about how great Heroes was last night! (Well, two nights ago, but who's counting?)

*Heroes Season 3 Spoilers*

The episode last night (I'm not counting) was supremely awesome! I'm loving morally gray!Syler, and even more so when he leans towards the good!Syler side. And my word, do I love Cristine Rose, the actress who plays Angela Petrelli. Manipulative, scheming mother of the Petrelli brothers, and apparently, Syler.

From the first season when she was drunk!Angela, crazy woman who favored Nathan over Peter, to the manipulative head of The Company now... I've got to say I'm really falling in love with her.
First off, Cristine Rose is a superb actress, and she's made Angela to be a great morally gray character. And I think that Sylar protecting her from her crazy, stupid and should-die-now, youngest son Petey, is supremely awesome.
And HRG, well. I'm somewhat glad that he's still a jerk at heart. I swear, it's not that I love the morally-gray people, because on some level, they all are. But Sylar, HRG, and Mama Petrelli are really standing out for me.

Still... bad, bad HRG for trying to get rid of Syler. BAD. Just too bad I love you too much to want you to die.

And speaking bout bad, Adam Bad Monroe is bad... I mean, back. Sorry, that was my bad. (Shaymus: Oo! Bad joke Desmond. Bad joke. Desmond: Shut up and drink your decaf!)

And while 2 entries and a week ago I was complaining about him, I've gotta say he was great in last night's episode. He made the Hiro scenes bearable, and to a certain extent, enjoyable. Yea, yea, I'm disgusted by myself too.

I loved seeing Claire being a softie under the toughie exterior she's been putting up. Aww Claire, you're just like Uncle Syler, aren't you? You big ol' softie. Awww.

And her adopted-mummy-dearest was the toughest non-hero there ever was on the show.
And her birth-mummy-dearest was a good-enough tough-enough hero who became a victim on the show. (Yes, it's confusing, but watch the next episode, I hear it's good!)

Obviously our friendly-neighbourhood-snooze-fest-Mohinder was a bore. And it was kinda gross. Is he somehow manufacturing the sticky webs with his dead skin cells and chocolate milk? Seriously, like, eww. And I'm kinda sad Maya was stupid enough to be own-ed by him.

Still, this episode was a marked improvement from the previous ones. Everyone was more in-character, Syler, Angela and HRG stole the show, the major twists being laid out, and Peter was almost non-existent!! Now if we could get Mohinder and Hiro to be almost non-existent, that'd be great.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Desmond and the Tell-Tale Signs.

1.)When you realise you can't see the pretty pictures on your birthday cake through all those candles.

2.)When it's the same lift, and the same friends, and the same number of people, but with the addition of a distinct buzzing when you enter.

3a.)When you're laughing before the joke even happens in that movie.
b.) And when the disc of said-movie looks like it's been used as a spade at the beach.

4.) When you get friends to make space for your "new friend", Larry, who you insist is shy, invisible and light as a feather.

5.) When you take Larry for a cup of joe, and scream at the waitress, because she's so rude; "She didn't ask Larry what he wanted. She had it coming."

6.) When you have an "essay-shelter", where foolscap, books, and stationery are absolutely banned. Especially highlighters.

7.) When you start walloping people who use any of the following words: "He say", "She say", "I say".

And the Biggest Tell-Tale Sign of all.

8.) When you get Larry to make space for your new-new friend, Shaymus, who you insist is shy, invisible, and drinks only decaf.

Saturday 11 October 2008

Desmond and Oh-So-Awesome Sylar.

*major heroes season 3 spoiler.*


To Mr Tim Kring,

Sylar has officially fought his way to the top of my favourite-heroes-character list.

When he first started out in Heroes-verse (which is Heroes-universe), I really loved him, because he was such a great villian, but I hated him because... well... he was such a great villian.

And now three years on, Sylar and Noah Bennett have really won me over. From the inner-struggle of "I love you both but you really need to die", to "PLEASE DON'T DIE PLEASE DON'T DIE" and jumping like an uncontrollable fanboy when they come on screen... Mr Kring, I salute you. They are oh-so-awesome characters.

(Sylar abit more than Bennett..)

And here's why!! Last night on Heroes.... (it really isn't "last night" but it sounds so much better than "5 nights ago on Heroes") I got a glimpse of GOOD SYLER! (Edit: The scene was 4 years into the future. Bad Desmond, Bad, for forgetting to put that in. Because Present Syler is still, (awesomely), erm. inbetween. He's kinda still killing, but it's not really his fault. OHH Mr Kring, I love the moral greyness of the characters!!)

Honestly, We've seen good!Characters become evil!Characters over the course of this show, but never in a million years would I have expected the bad guys to turn good! Of cos Hiro could teach me a thing or 2, by time-swapping me a million years forward or backward, but we're not on good terms... so ain't happening. (Not in a million years.)

Good!Syler, or Gabriel Gray (his real name), is... OH-SO-AWESOME. "And your good Sylar-ken doll comes complete with the Bennet playhouse, mini Noah-ken doll, who is Sylar-ken doll's son, and Mr-Muggles-puppy-doll. And real waffles with maple syrup!!" (Edit: OH KRING!! Gabriel (Morally) Gray?? I should be rename this entry "Desmond and Oh-so-awesome Kring.")

The shockers keep coming!! Why is Sylar in the Bennet house? And why is his son named after Noah Bennett? And why do they get waffles and maple syrup without me!!! Well played Mr Kring, well played. You blind-sighted me. I'm looking forward to more of good!Syler and grown-up!Noah.

On the flip side Kring, I can't say the same for Hiro or Peter. They've fallen so far down my who's-it-List, they've made a hole at the bottom of my sheet. (I did say I wasn't on good terms with Hiro.) Seems like there's another formula at work. The stupidity and powerful one. The more powerful you are, the more stupid you become?? I'm going out on a limb now, but it sure seems the case!! (Edit: AHH. That's why it's not "Desmond and Oh-so-awesome Kring", because these characters kinda suck. No offense.)

But I think I'm wrong, because Sylar's powerful and he's not stupid. And so is immortal-vlogger Claire.

Oh I wish I knew Kring, I wish I do. Why are Hiro and Peter so stupid? And why is Matt in Africa? Why is Adam back?? And where is oh-so-awesome-also Elle?? And why why WHY is Mohinder still around?!!?

I promise to ponder over that if you promise to give me more Sylar, Noah, Claire, and Veronica-Elle-Mars screen time.

I hope we've got a deal.

Yours crazily,
Sylarrocks_lvl5 Fanboy.

PS: Oh! And more Niki/Jessica/Gina/Baba/Tracy whoever-she-is-now Ali Larter too please! Thank you.

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Desmond and Shortbread.

I hate school, but I'm not in a tell-it-all mood now. So I'll just skip that part and go right on.

I love shortbread!!

Forgive me for the way I jumped right into that. Believe me, I tried alot of ways to ease that in, but sometimes... you've just gotta tell it all, just the way it is.

(Oh wait... what was I saying about some mood? Oh stink, I can't remember. It must be the breakdown of my brain from strenuous activities in school everyday.)

Anyways, I've loved shortbread since young. And yes, "since-young" has also been the age that I've started wondering why it's called 'bread' when it's really a biscuit! But you know the food-world... all the pretentious names for food. As if there are dogs in hotdogs, or tomatoes in tomato puree. (Incidently, check out this link about Celine Dion and Hotdogs.)

Not that I'm going to make shortbread, or expect anyone reading to, but I'm just gonna throw in 2 links to the recipes! Well, the first link was actually for the nice, pretty picture of the shortbread. Click the picture!

And this next one is because shortbread is commonly associated with Scotland and the UK, and so is the BBC! Ergo, I've placed the BBC recipe here too! (Ireland......)

And yes smarty-pants... I know there IS tomato in tomato puree.

Sunday 5 October 2008

Desmond and Blockbuster Whatever-day-it-is Movie.

Today feels strange. Nice strange.

It feels as if I'm holidaying in some country, and I've had a long day. And now, I'm in my hotel room, or resort, or (more likely) budget accomodation. Watching a blockbuster whatever-day-it-is movie. Sipping familiar coke from an unfamiliar coke can.

These are the times when you feel that strange, but nice, feeling. A concoction of sorts. Of the knowledge of the temporal, pseudo-reality that will fade in a couple of days (which you countdown to); mixed with the understanding that said reality hasn't arrived yet. Throw caution to the wind, for now.

I'll stay up late, because tomorrow I'm going to the countryside late in the day. The promise of a farm-life experience I'll never forget; that'll take two hours. Then I'll head to a local diner, for a taste of local food. I'll meet locals, and they'll smile and make merry talk of my foreign-ness. No one to know, no one who knows me.

But that's tomorrow.

Right now, I'll sit back on the couch, as I hear the sound of night play in my ears; in the background of a room that I'll know for but a few days. I'll recognise sounds of cars passing and sirens wailing that I don't recognise.

I'll feel the ridges on the sofa's fabric, my legs drawn up to my chest. Eyes on the screen; mind numbed by the activity of the day; heart falling desperately in love with the present, half-pining for the past, half-seeking for the future - a future that could be this. A future that should be, this.

I'll close my eyes, lean back and soak in the moment. This moment where my past, present and future become as fluid as the drink I hold. I'll feel it slip through my fingers, but I'm a willing participant in the spillage.

How sweet the sound of noise that I cannot understand. How much like silence is this noise.

Then I'll catch myself, snapped back into consciousness. Hotel room, blockbuster-whatever-day-it-is movie, coke can.

It's so late now. I thought it was still 10:01pm. I guess I was wrong. A few more hours to daybreak. I can't wait for the 2 hour farm-life experience, but right now... I wish daybreak could hold for awhile.

Saturday 4 October 2008

Desmond and the Mythbusters.

It's crazy crazy with all the crazy essays and the crazy readings, and if you're crazily wondering what this crazy person(me) is doing with the crazy repetitions, let me remind you crazy kids, because i've just crazily remembered it my-crazy-self, that my crazy blog name is 'repeatedly'.

So I guess I've the license to use the words over and over and over... oh shush, you get the point. -giggles uncontrollably to myself-

Sorry, what's that now? You want me to repeat that? Oh okay, you said, "redid that".

Yea, yea, I redid my blog.

Well not so much redid, but changed the template because everyone knows you have to change the diapers after it's been on too long.

Or is that really true?

K I don't know the answer, but don't panic. See my new favourite show (of the many which have just returned to the (american) world) is.... wait for it... MYTHBUSTERS!

Yea, it's crazy I know. Here's the lit student who knows zilch about science proclaiming to the world(wide-web) that he likes a show about science. To be fair, it's a show about science, about myths, which are like legends, which are stories, which is kinda ultimately like lit.

You should really check out the discovery channel, it's awesome. Deadliest Catch, Dirty Jobs... Starworld, it's time to hand over your star, because a new chanel has been discovered! Well, actually the star should have been handed over months ago, I've loved discovery for quite awhile now, honey(-star-world).

Mythbusters, you are like the legend-ary show of all shows!

Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman
Tory, Kari and Grant
And in keeping in line with lego-batman to the right... Lego Jamie and Adam.
Discovery Channel, everyday at 12noon, or at 5pm.